Visible Mending

Do you have a piece of clothing that you love dearly but is in need of a bit of TLC? Then you’re in the right place!

I offer a garment repair service to help reinforce worn areas, fix holes and tears, or cover up stains on most clothing items. (I don’t fix zippers, seams or sew on buttons - please contact your local tailor for this kind of help). 

Using either patch repair, woven darning, or swiss darning, I create mends that honour the way we wear (and wear out) our clothing.

How does the service work?

Please get in touch via the contact form using the button below, or via email, to discuss. I’ll need a few images in order to give you repair type suggestions and estimate how long the mend will take. 

I charge 250 rand per hour, plus any additional supplies that I might need to purchase.